OctopOS  0.6.0
Data communication bus for SPACE HAUC
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
utility.h File Reference
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <exception>
#include <system_error>
#include <cerrno>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  shm_object
struct  message_buffer
union  semun


#define MEMKEY   0x45861534
#define SEMKEY   0x45861534
#define MSGKEY   0x45861534
#define MSGLEN   126
#define SHMSIZE   4096


typedef intptr_t generic_t
typedef long octopOS_id_t
typedef uint sem_id_t


intptr_t * connect_shm ()
int p (int sem, int counter)
int v (int sem, int counter)
int semsetall (int sem_group, int number_in_group, int value)


const unsigned NUMMODULES = 20
const unsigned SUB_BIT = 0x20000000
const unsigned TEMP_BIT = 0x40000000
const unsigned CREATE_PUB = 1
const unsigned PUBLISH_CODE = 2
const unsigned CREATE_SUB = 3

Typedef Documentation

◆ generic_t

typedef intptr_t generic_t

typedef for generic pointers in shared memory segment

◆ octopOS_id_t

typedef long octopOS_id_t

typedef to increase readability

◆ sem_id_t

typedef uint sem_id_t

typedef to make Lukas happy

Function Documentation

◆ connect_shm()

intptr_t* connect_shm ( )

function for connecting shared memmory to address space.

A pointer to the top of the shared memory space

◆ p()

int p ( int  sem,
int  counter 

Decraments a semaphore.

semThe semaphore to access
counterthe counter to decrament
value of system call. fail if < 0.

◆ semsetall()

int semsetall ( int  sem_group,
int  number_in_group,
int  value 

Initializes all counters in a semaphore.

sem_groupThe semaphore to initializes.
number_in_groupNumber of counters in the group.
valueThe initial value to set.
value of system call. fail if < 0.

◆ v()

int v ( int  sem,
int  counter 

Incraments a semaphore.

semThe semaphore to access
counterthe counter to incraments
value of system call. fail if < 0.

Variable Documentation


const unsigned CREATE_PUB = 1

packet type is requesting creation of publisher


const unsigned CREATE_SUB = 3

packet type is requesting creation of subscriber


const unsigned NUMMODULES = 20

The number of modules octopOS will start


const unsigned PUBLISH_CODE = 2

packet type is requesting notification of subscribers


const unsigned SUB_BIT = 0x20000000

The subscriber bit that needs to be set in ids


const unsigned TEMP_BIT = 0x40000000

The bit in ids that specifies it is a temp id